This section provides information, guidelines and resources that cover all aspects of doing business with the GNHWPCA from registering as a vendor to submitting proposals, bids and applying for permits.
Construction Projects
The Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority (GNHWPCA) funds and maintains a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to ensure that its sewer systems are reliable, safe and efficient while at the same time contributes to protect the environment. Funding for the CIP is provided through the following sources: GNHWPCA’s annual operating budget, revenue bonds, grant reimbursements and grant/loan programs provided by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Projection (DEP) along with other incidental projects required by state agencies such as the Connecticut Department of Transportation (DOT.)
In this section, you will find detailed information on major construction projects currently underway in the GNHWPCA Service Area. The information will provide project purpose and description as well as GNHWPCA contacts. (project descriptions from intranet projects page “community description” )
New Developments/Building Renovations/Capacity/General Engineering Questions
The GNHWPCA has developed documents, guidelines and forms that are necessary to initiate and complete projects within the member communities. Whether you are a developer, builder, architect, engineer or homeowner, you will need to familiarize yourself with these documents before you start your development and/or project. The GNHWPCA maintains a GIS system along with an archive of historical and contemporary maps, connection cards, record plans, easements and other detailed information that may help you successfully plan, design and complete your project. In order to obtain these documents please contact the Sewer Superintendent’s office at 203-466-5280 x 243 or 232 or email:
Your project may also require permits such a related to connection or disconnection of sanitary sewer services. This section provides sanitary sewer connection and demolition permit procedures in addition to links to other governing agencies related to discharge to the GNHWPCA collection system.
Connection Fees
Connection fees were established by Board of Directors in accordance with the GNHWPCA ordinance consistent with the Connecticut DEP – “Methods of Capital Cost Recovery on WPCA Projects, January 1997.” Fees were based on a methodology where new customers are charged for existing available system capacity based upon the actual estimated value of the capacity. In addition, a portion of the fee is based upon the cost associated with future improvement to the system, or in our case, removal of infiltration and inflow. A 2006 Rate Study equated these costs in proportion to an amount of “unit” flow discharged to the sanitary sewer system. The “Flow Proportion” allows for assessment of each property based on the property owner’s estimated future use of the system through the size of their respective water meter.