The Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority has as one of its core values the protection of our environment. We have undertaken a number of significant projects that reduce our impact on the environment or strive to protect the economic and social well being of our region.
Waste Heat Recovery
Electricity costs are on the rise throughout the Greater New Haven region. This is no surprise to any home owner or apartment dweller as they’ve opened their electric bill in the past six months. A lack of adequate transmission facilities coupled with supply de-regulation throughout the state has caused rates to skyrocket with no end in sight.
FOG System
The Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority operates one of the largest processing facilities in the nation for disposing of fat, oil, and grease (FOG) collected from restaurants and other food-preparation facilities. The watery mixture is heated to remove 99 percent of the water, and the FOG is then used as a supplemental fuel in the GNHWPCA's sludge incinerator.

Truman Tank
As part of our Long Term Control Plan, the GNHWPCA has constructed a 5 million gallon underground storage tank for capturing combined storm/sewer overflows. During heavy rain events the Boulevard sewer interceptor is overwhelmed and overflow structures were built to relieve this situation.
Environmental Partnerships
GNHWPCA’s involvement in inclusive, community-driven, science based Environmental Partnership continues our commitment to protecting the health and safety of people and the environment at its facilities and in the communities where we operate.
Storm Resiliency
As part of GNHWPCA’s emergency response planning, we created a dynamic storm surge map through our GIS enterprise system that allows quick visual assessment of potentially vulnerable facilities and access to these facilities during storm surge conditions. This map has been selected for publication by ESRI in their 2019 Map Book.