GNHWPCA Grease Trap/Interceptor Installation Requirements
Food Preparation Establishments (FPE’s) that discharge wastewater to the Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority (GNHWPCA) system must comply with the State of Connecticut’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) “General Permit for the Discharge of Wastewater Associated with Food Preparation Establishments” that became effective September 30, 2005.
The CT general permit seeks to reduce Fats, Oils, and Grease from entering the public wastewater system from Class III or IV food service establishments through the use of:
• Outdoor In-Ground Grease Trap/Interceptor (1,000 gallon minimum), or
• Automatic Grease Recovery Unit (AGRU)
There are other requirements for Class III and IV FPE’s that are defined in the State of Connecticut General Permit.
All FPE’s were required to comply with this permit by July 1, 2011.
The following are requirements of the GNHWPCA:
1. Prior to installation:
In-ground Grease Trap/Interceptor:
Engineering drawings (site plans and/or utility plans showing the connection to the sewer and the location of the grease trap/interceptor) prepared and signed by the FPE's CT licensed professional engineer must be submitted to the GNHWPCA Engineering Department for review and approval. The FPE is also required to submit sizing calculations demonstrating that the unit chosen is adequate for the FPE's use.
A GNHWPCA permit will be required for the installation of an in-ground grease trap/interceptor.
The GNHWPCA requires the installation of a backwater valve and a cleanout downstream from the grease/trap interceptor. Grease trap/interceptor shall be installed on 8" of bedding material, Item 305, per GNHWPCA Standards.
Automatic Grease Recovery Unit (AGRU):
The FPE is required to submit sizing calculations for review by the GNHWPCA’s Industrial Pretreatment Department (IPP) Coordinator. The sizing calculations must be consistent with the Fixture-Based Method found in the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection’s Sizing Criteria, and may be prepared by the AGRU’s distributor. The IPP Coordinator may require additional documentation such as a floor plan.
The installation must include a sampling port located after the AGRU so that a GNHWPCA IPP inspector can take representative samples of the wastewater flow from the AGRU. It is recommended that arrangements be made for the plumber who will install the AGRU to meet with one of the GNHWPCA IPP Inspectors to discuss the requirements before the work starts.
2. Post-installation inspection:
3. Acceptance:
Once inspected by the GNHWPCA, and no discrepancies in the installation are found, the GNHWPCA IPP Coordinator will recommend to the GNHWPCA Director of Operations that the installation be accepted as compliant with regulatory requirements. Copies of the signed verification form will be provided to the FPE and the local health department.
Local health departments will not approve a FPE’s Food Service Application until they have received verification from the GNHWPCA that the FPE is in compliance with the general permit.
a. The GNHWPCA does not size or approve grease trap/interceptors or AGRUs. After reviewing the submitted documentation, the GNHWPCA only acknowledges that the equipment has been appropriately sized by the owner or its representative.
b. The GNHWPCA does not give advice on or give approval for plumbing.
c. Building Inspectors, Plumbing Inspectors and Health Inspectors do not approve grease trap/interceptors or AGRUs.
Links for more information
GNHWPCA Grease Trap/Interceptor Requirements
GNHWPCA Contacts
Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator
Christopher Findley
Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator
345 East Shore Parkway New Haven, CT 06512
Tel: 203-466-5277, ext. 274
Fax: 203-466-5287
Industrial Pretreatment Inspectors
Jerry Schontag
Tel: 203-466-5277, ext. 284
Anthony Speranza
Tel: 203-466-5277, ext. 285
Rick Hurlburt, Sewer Superintendent
Tel: 203-466-5263
Project Engineer
Ricardo Ceballos, PE
Tel: 203-466-4122