GNHWPCA Statement in Response to STS Filing


2020 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Awards

Mario Ricozzi honored with the Wisely American Civil Engineer Award 

Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control AuthorityThe American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has honored Mario Ricozzi, P.E., F.ASCE with the 2020 William H. Wisely American Civil Engineer Award.

Ricozzi, GNHWPCA’s Manager of Design, is recognized for his dedication and steadfast leadership in overseeing revisions to the Society’s governing documents to enable flexibility, and his willingness to educate the membership on the proposed modifications.

The William H. Wisely American Civil Engineer Award recognizes individuals or groups of individuals who are members of ASCE and who have made continuing efforts to promote appreciation for the history, tradition, developments and technical and professional activities of the Society.


GNHWPCA honored with the Achievement in Civil Engineering (ACE) Award 

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has honored GNHWPCA with the 2020 ACE Award for the organizations Short Term Control Plan Improvements For Cost Effective Combined Sewer Overflow Reduction.  This project was selected for the ACE Award category with a construction value of < $20 million, > $5 million. 

The GNHWPCA implemented a program of analysis, design & construction that resulted in a 40% reduction in CSOs at a cost of less than $1 per gallon of CSO Reduction per Year.  The detailed analysis by GNHWPCA and their design teams, along with the expertise of the construction teams, resulted in an extremely cost-effective CSO reduction solution.

Notice of Permit Application

Notice of Permit Application


City of New Haven

Town of East Haven

Town of Hamden

Town of Woodbridge

Notice is herby given that the Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority (the “applicant”) of 260 East Street, New Haven, CT will submit to the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection an application under Section 22a-430 of the Connecticut General Statues for a permit to initiate, create, originate or maintain a discharge of water, substance or material to the waters of the state.

Specifically, the applicant proposes to renew its existing Municipal NPDES Permit No. CT0100366 to discharge 40,000,000 gallons per day of treated domestic sewage.  The proposed activity will take place at the East Shore Water Pollution Abatement Facility, 345 East Shore Parkway, New Haven, CT.  The proposed activity will potentially affect: New Haven Harbor and Long Island Sound.

Interested persons may obtain copies of the application from Mr. John Torre, Operations Manager, 345 East Shore Parkway, New Haven, CT 06512, (203) 466-5280, extension 276.

The application will be available for inspection at the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Protection and Land Reuse, Planning and Standards Division, Municipal Facilities Group, 79 Elm Street, Hartford, CT 06106-5127, (860) 424-3704 from 8:30 to 4:30, Monday through Friday.  Please call in advance to schedule review of this application.

GNHWPCA NPDES Permit Renewal Application Form

Notice of Public Hearing May 12, 2020: Proposed Annual Budget & Sewer User Charge

Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority
Notice of Public Hearing

The Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority (the “GNHWPCA”) will hold a public hearing pursuant to CGS Section 7-255 and Section 43 of the Sewer Ordinances on the Annual Budget and Sewer User Charge on May 12, 2020 at 5:45 P.M. Said public hearing will be held via teleconference. No in-person attendance will be permitted. A recording of the transcript of the public hearing will be accessible to the public online after the public hearing at the GNHWPCA website at Teleconference call-in information is as follows:

Dial: (929) 205-6099

Enter meeting ID number 842 7032 2846 and press #

Enter passcode 243899 and press #

The Annual Budget and Sewer User Charge are linked below. 

Link: Proposed Annual Budget & Sewer User Charge

Link: Proposed Operating Budget & Capital Improvement Plan

Link: Minutes – Audio

Link: Adopted Annual Budget & Sewer User Charge

Notice of Public Hearing October 1, 2019: Proposed Revised Fee Schedule of Connection Charges

Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority
Notice of Public Hearing

The Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority (the “GNHWPCA”) will meet at the offices of the Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority, 260 East Street, New Haven, Connecticut on October 1, 2019 at 5:45 P.M., for the purpose of holding a public hearing pursuant to CGS Section 7-255 and Section 43 of the Sewer Ordinances on the Revised Fee Schedule of Connection Charges.

Copies of said Revised Fee Schedule are on file open to public inspection at the office of the Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority, 260 East Street, New Haven, Connecticut, as well as the offices of the City/Town Clerk for each of New Haven, East Haven, Hamden and Woodbridge and through the link below.

Link: Proposed Revised Fee Schedule of Connection Charges

Link: Adopted Fee Schedule of Connection Charges

Notice of Public Hearing May 14, 2019: Proposed Annual Budget & Sewer User Charge

Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority
Notice of Public Hearing

The Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority (the “GNHWPCA”) will meet at the offices of the Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority, 260 East Street, New Haven, Connecticut on May 14, 2019 at 5:45 P.M., for the purpose of holding a public hearing pursuant to CGS Section 7-255 and Section 43 of the Sewer Ordinances on the Annual Budget and Sewer User Charge. The Annual Budget and Sewer User Charge appear below.

Copies of said Annual Budget and Sewer User Charge are on file open to public inspection at the office of the Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority, 260 East Street, New Haven, Connecticut, as well as the offices of the City/Town Clerk for each of New Haven, East Haven, Hamden and Woodbridge and through the link below.

Link: Proposed Annual Budget & Sewer User Charge