Notice of Public Hearing May 12, 2020: Proposed Annual Budget & Sewer User Charge

Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority
Notice of Public Hearing

The Greater New Haven Water Pollution Control Authority (the “GNHWPCA”) will hold a public hearing pursuant to CGS Section 7-255 and Section 43 of the Sewer Ordinances on the Annual Budget and Sewer User Charge on May 12, 2020 at 5:45 P.M. Said public hearing will be held via teleconference. No in-person attendance will be permitted. A recording of the transcript of the public hearing will be accessible to the public online after the public hearing at the GNHWPCA website at Teleconference call-in information is as follows:

Dial: (929) 205-6099

Enter meeting ID number 842 7032 2846 and press #

Enter passcode 243899 and press #

The Annual Budget and Sewer User Charge are linked below. 

Link: Proposed Annual Budget & Sewer User Charge

Link: Proposed Operating Budget & Capital Improvement Plan

Link: Minutes – Audio

Link: Adopted Annual Budget & Sewer User Charge